Douglas Tsoi is the founder of School of Financial Freedom. This is his short financial freedom story: After college, he had careers as an intellectual property lawyer, Quaker school teacher, government sustainability officer, and nonprofit training manager, making an average of $36,000 a year. During all that time, he lived on $20,000 a year for 20 years and invested the rest. At age 42, he “retired.” You can read a longer version of his story in this blog post.
After FI, Douglas spends most of his time playing soccer, writing, traveling, and hanging with his dog Wu Wei. He also started a Portland Underground Grad School, a place for affordable lifelong community and education. He became a Franciscan Spiritual Director, trained as a hospital chaplain, and does financial-spiritual coaching. He created The Appreciation Effect, the Gratitude Dojo, and a reparative justice fund. His principle values are voluntary simplicity, integrity, gratitude, lifelong learning, and community.